Nightwish a lansat prima piesă nouă din ultimii 5 ani, melodia "Noise", care va fi inclusă pe viitorul album al trupei. Noul LP se numeşte "Human. :II: Nature" şi va sosi în luna aprilie. Până atunci urmărim noul videoclip plin de vanitate şi VR în articol.
👱♂️Lyrics Nightwish - Noise
Crave the machine
Revere the screen
Zoom in for flak and misery
Bleed some pixels
Shoot yourself
Pose for the dead
Have a near-life experience
In a hot air matrix
Now you're a star
Vain avatar
Feeding the beast
In your loud Egoland
You have become
Tool of a tool
Digital ghouls
Telling you to
Shut up and dance!
Color a yarn and the crowds will gather
From a sunless world
Your mirror is black, only a copy stares back
At a slave of brave new world
To decoy the human voice
Brain insomniac, paranoiac
Endless noise
Please love me
See how I bleed
Please endure
I have such empathy in me
Hum, noise, hum
Beautifully numb
Tapping the quiet air
To have a meaning
By a carrion
Sad hologram
Lost in the maze
The real and human feel
Sunset is free
From this deity
The Earth has a real voice
Go out and get in
I will follow
Color a yarn and the crowds will gather
From a sunless world
Your mirror is black, only a copy stares back
At a slave of brave new world
To decoy the human voice
Brain insomniac, paranoiac
Endless noise
Feast your eyes on the black mirror
Feed the beast, join the gathering
Tell a tale
Feast of fears is drawing nearer
Beyond the human horizon
Something terrifying sleeps
From a sunless world
Your mirror is black, only a copy stares back
At a slave of brave new world
To decoy the human voice
Brain insomniac, paranoiac
Endless noise
"Noise" este un videoclip încărcat de simbolism, etalând personaje dominate de superficialitate specifice epocii moderne. Vanitatea ar fi principalul păcat atacat în acest material video. Oglinzile şi camerele selfie sunt puse la treabă pentru a stimula atât vanitatea celor nesiguri de ei, cât şi şarlatanii care vând "poţiuni" false. Toate aceste iluzii sunt "injectate" printr-un soi de cască de realitate VR de la nou născut până la fiinţa ajunsă la bătrâneţe.
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