💨James Arthur - Quite Miss Home (Videoclip Lyrics Versuri Info)

           James Arthur este cuprins de vibe-ul de toamnă și a lansat videoclipul pentru piesa ”Quite miss home”.

💨Lyrics James Arthur - Quite Miss Home

I'm in the kitchen while you smoke outside
You're careful not to let the smoke inside
I always tell you it's poison
But I know it helps you take the edge off the day
We get a drink before it's closing time
The one on high street with the blinking sign
All these memories feel poignant
I won't be there to see the snow melt away
Yeah, I been gone on business
I gotta make some money
I really feel the distance
And I quite miss home
And I miss you telling me
To leave my shoes at the door
'Cause you just swept the floor
And the dirt drives you crazy
Yeah, I quite miss home
'Cause it feels like poetry
When the rain falls down on the window
While you're in my arms
And we're watching the TV
Yeah, I quite miss home
Yeah, I quite miss home
I smell you cooking from the living room
And then I tell you that I love your food
I know it doesn't come easy
But you know it reminds me where I'm from
I'm in another city
I got nobody with me
And it just really hit me
That I quite miss home
And I miss you telling me
To leave my shoes at the door
'Cause you just swept the floor
And the dirt drives you crazy
Yeah, I quite miss home
'Cause it feels like poetry
When the rain falls down on the window
While you're in my arms
And we're watching the TV
Yeah, I quite miss home
Yeah, I quite miss home
And I quite miss home
Yeah, I miss you telling me
To leave my shoes at the door
'Cause you just swept the floor
And the dirt drives you crazy
Oh, I just miss home, no, no
'Cause it feels like poetry
As the rain falls down on the window
While you're in my arms
And we're watching the TV
Oh, I miss home
Yeah, I quite miss home, no
Oh, I quite miss home
Yeah, I quite miss home

James Arthur și-a surprins fanii cu noul lui album. ”You” conține 17 piese, printre care "Naked", "Empty Space", "Falling Like the Stars", "Treehouse", "Finally Feel Good", "You" și "Quite Miss Home".
”You” este cel de-al treilea album lansat de James Arthur. Artistul îl descrie ca fiind ”divers, conceptual și plin de suflet, inspirat de poveștile altora și total diferit de albumul precedent, ”Back from the Edge.”

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