💚Clean Bandit - Mama feat. Ellie Goulding (Videoclip Lyrics Versuri Info)

După ce au colaborat de-a lungul timpului cu artiste precum Anne-Marie, Demi Lovato sau Rita Ora, băieții de la Clean Bandit revin în forță. Au lansat "Mama", un featuring cu Ellie Goulding. Piesa e numai bună de ascultat primăvara asta, oriunde te-ai afla, însă vizualul te va surprinde.

Lyrics Clean Bandit - Mama feat. Ellie Goulding

Oh mama, hola, hola, hola
Don't know what this is
Oh mama, hola, hola, hola
Oh, what do I do now?

[Verse 1]
I see my body in a different light, ay ay ay
As if I woke up in a different life, ay ay ay
Feels like I'm walking with my heart on fire
Somebody pass me the water 'cause I'm burning

'Cause a little bit's turning into a lot
There's no way I'll be turning the feeling off
Guess I'm everything that I thought I was not
Tell me, tell me, ay ay ay

Oh mama, hola, hola, hola
Don't know what this is
What do I do now, do now, do now
Do with all of this?
All of these new emotions
I let them out in the open
Oh mama, hola, hola, hola
Oh, what do I do now?

[Verse 2]
I've never felt so good, I feel so soft, na na na
And now I know myself, I know my spots, na na na
I didn't know that I could have these thoughts, yeah yeah
Somebody pass me the water 'cause I'm burnin'
¡Qué calor!

'Cause a little bit's turning into a lot
There's no way I'll be turning the feeling off
Guess I'm everything that I thought I was not
Tell me, tell me, ay ay ay

Oh mama, hola, hola, hola
Don't know what this is
What do I do now, do now, do now
Do with all of this?
All of these new emotions
I let them out in the open
Oh mama, hola, hola, hola
Oh, what do I do now?

Everything I thought I knew about me's upside down
Everything is changing, but I think I love it now, ay ay ay

Oh mama, hola, hola, hola
Don't know what this is
What do I do now, do now, do now
Do with all of this?
All of these new emotions
I let them out in the open
Oh mama, hola, hola, hola
Oh, what do I do now?

All of these new emotions
I let them out in the open
Oh mama, hola, hola, hola
Oh, what do I do now?

"Am scris acest scenariu despre un băiat a cărui putere i-a fost luată încă de copil, dar a crescut hotărât să-și ia puterea înapoi", a declarat Grace Chatto. Videoclipul se încheie cu președintele american dansând alături de soția lui, Melanie, pe o emblemă cu un mesaj dur: "Abuzarea copiilor noștri poate dăuna lumii întregi", adică orice copil ar putea crește, să fie... un Donald Trump. Și asta, nu în sensul bun!
"Mama" face parte de pe al doilea album de studio al lui Clean Bandit, "What Is Love?", alături de hit-uri precum "Rockabye" și "Solo".

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