🌐Akcent - My Lady feat. Reea (Videoclip Lyrics Versuri Info)

Dupa succesul inregistrat cu single-ul “Rain”, care se apropie de 30 de milioane de vizualizari, Akcent si Reea colaboreaza din nou pe piesa “My Lady”.

Versuri Akcent - My Lady feat. Reea

You see, young lady
I’m crazy
La la la love
la la la love
And we, my lady
We’re ready
For la la la love
la la la love

I swear, I can see your face
It’s calling me
But you don’t seem to say a word
Why did you get so cold?

Every night you see me crying
It’s for you
You know I’m falling
I can’t be enough for you
Cause in September
You want to say November
It feels like in December
It’s cold, your love

Cause every time you want to stay apart
You make me feel empty inside
Because you can’t remember
That day of December
When we were together

I swear, I can see your face
It’s calling me versuri.us
But you don’t seem to say a word, why?
Why did you get so cold?

Akcent este unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti artisti romani internationali, urmarit de peste 3,5 milioane de fani din toata lumea datorita unor hit-uri precum “That’s My Name”, “Kamelia” “My Passion” si ‘’Kylie”.

Ce ziceti de aceasta noua colaborare?

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