🎋Dan Balan - Hold On Love (Videoclip Lyrics Versuri Info)

Dan Balan revine cu un nou single, cu puternice influente disco si dark, care apare direct cu un videoclip. In Hold On Love, cantaretul nominalizat la Grammy joaca rolul unui pastor supus tentatiei pe strazile intunecate.

Versuri Dan Balan - Hold On Love

Inner fights
I won't ignore
Them anymore.
My crime
Is human kind
I'd bare it all
to change my world.

It sleeps more than often
It sleeps more than often
Free my hidden laughter
Free the wild man.

Hold On Love
All the love is there
Love is there
All the love is there.

Blindfold eyes
My sins are raw
Now and before.
All night
My instincts fight
These deepest wrongs-
Devided worlds.

It sleeps more than often
It sleeps more than often
Free my hidden laughter
Free the wild man.

And hold...
Hold On Love
All the love is there
Love is there
All the love is there.

Hold On Love
All the love is there
Just find the reason

"Freedom", lansata in 2011, a fost una dintre cele mai ascultate piese in cluburile din Romania, iar în 2013, Dan Balan a colaborat cu Tany Vander si Brasco pentru „Lendo Calendo”. In 2017, cu ocazia Zilei Europei, O-Zone s-au reunit dupa 12 ani pentru doua concerte, la Chisinau si Bucuresti, unde Dan Balan a cantat si un set solo.

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