🤷‍♀️Rag'n'Bone Man - Human (Videoclip Lyrics Versuri Info)

Ești gata pentru un nou hit? ”Human” e piesa pentru care vei face o obsesie în perioada următoare. A intrat deja în playlist-ul de la ZU și sună beton! E melodia pe care toată lumea se grăbește să o caute pe Shazam atunci când o aude. Nu e de mirare că a ajuns pe poziția a doua în topul celor mai căutate piese. Băiatul ăsta care o cântă, Rag'n'Bone Man, e un compozitor și cântăreț de origine britanică și demontează orice mit legat de muzica comercială.

Lyrics Rag'n'Bone Man - Human

I'm only human
I'm only, I'm only
I'm only human, human

Maybe I'm foolish
Maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this
And see what's behind
Got no way to prove it
So maybe I'm blind
But I'm only human after all
I'm only human after all
Don't put your blame on me
Don't put your blame on me

Take a look in the mirror
And what do you see
Do you see it clearer
Or are you deceived
In what you believe
'Cause I'm only human after all
You're only human after all
Don't put the blame on me
Don't put your blame on me

Some people got the real problems
Some people out of luck
Some people think I can solve them
Lord heavens above
I'm only human after all
I'm only human after all
Don't put the blame on me
Don't put the blame on me

Don't ask my opinion
Don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness
For making you cry
Making you cry
'Cause I'm only human after all
I'm only human after all
Don't put your blame on me
Don't put the blame on me

Oh, some people got the real problems
Some people out of luck
Some people think I can solve them
Lord heavens above
I'm only human after all
I'm only human after all
Don't put the blame on me
Don't put the blame on me

I'm only human
I make mistakes
I'm only human
That's all it takes
To put the blame on me
Don't put the blame on me

I'm no prophet or Messiah
Should go looking somewhere higher
I'm only human after all
I'm only human after all
Don't put the blame on me
Don't put the blame on me

I'm only human
I do what I can
I'm just a man
I do what I can
Don't put the blame on me
Don't put your blame on me

E genul ala de tip grăsuț, deloc popular în liceu, dar care rupe gura târgului cu o piesă beton și îi face să-și înghită cuvintele pe toți cei care l-au luat peste picior.

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