💎David Guetta - Metropolis feat. Nicky Romero (Videoclip Lyrics Versuri Info)

“Metropolis” e o colaborare cu Nicky Romero si a fost lansata ca single in aprilie la Jack Back Records, noul label al lui David Guetta. Acesta ar fi trebuit sa se numeasca initial tot “Metropolis”, dupa cum a anuntat francezul la editia din acest an a Ultra Music Festival. Urmariti mai sus videoclipul “Metropolis”!

Lyrics David Guetta & Nicky Romero - Metropolis

I feel so close to you right now
It’s a force field
I wear my heart upon my sleeve, like a big deal
Your love pours down on me, surround me like a waterfall
And there’s no stopping us right now
I feel so close to you right now
I feel so close to you right now
It’s a force field
I wear my heart upon my sleeve, like a big deal
Your love pours down on me, surround me like a waterfall
And there’s no stopping us right now
I feel so close to you right now
And there’s no stopping us right now
And there’s no stopping us right now
And there’s no stopping us right now
I feel so close to you right now

Videoclipul a fost regizat de Thierry Guetta aka Mr. Brainwash si este prezentat de Burn. Cel mai recent single al lui David Guetta este “She Wolf (Falling to Pieces)“, al carui videoclip a fost lansat la sfarsitul lunii septembrie.

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